Mental Health Support

Taking care of your mental health is as important as looking after your physical health.

Good mental health and positive wellbeing can help you better cope with the current circumstances and the uncertainty that coronavirus is creating.

You may find that social distancing and staying at home can be boring, frustrating or lonely and that your mood and feelings are affected.

You may feel low, worried or have problems sleeping and you might miss being with other people.

It’s important to remember the actions that we are taking by staying at home may be difficult, but that they are helping to slow spread of coronavirus (COVID-19).

Muslim Youth Helpline have put together a guide to mental health during Covid-19 crisis:

Inspirited Minds: Webinars and Articles on mental health:
British Islamic Medical Association (BIMA): Managing Stress, Anxiety and Wellbeing during Covid-19:

In addition, Shaykh Mohammed Nizami has compiled the following handy advice for Muslims undertaking self-isolation in this 16 March Facebook post to keep busy and productive. Read his suggestions here:


Muslim Youth Helpline:

A non judgmental, faith and culturally sensitive helpline service : 0808 808 2008
Live chat:

Lifeline is the Northern Ireland crisis response helpline service for people who are experiencing distress or despair. Anyone of any age living in Northern Ireland can call Lifeline free of charge on 0808 808 8000

Need support? We’re here to listen 24 hours, 365 days a year. Freephone: 116 123

Childline is a counselling service for children and young people up to their 19th birthday in the United Kingdom. Freephone 0800 1111

Woman’s Aid
Online Chat service: Monday to Friday 10:00am – 12:00pm


24 Hour Domestic and Sexual Abuse Helpline open 24/7 and can provide support to anyone who needs it.

You can call 0808 802 1414, email or visit

Muslim Women’s Helpline

By Phone 10am to 4pm (Mon to Fri)
0800 999 5786 (free from mobiles and landlines)
0303 999 5786 (Usual call rates apply) Text: 07415 206 936 during operating hours

Email Emails answered during operating hours

Webchat: 10am to 4pm (Mon-Fri)

Solace: For Revert Sisters in Difficulty

Ways to apply for help: Complete the referral form. Call 07985641080 (Mon-Fri 10-11am and 8-9pm) / Sat-Sun 8-9pm) and a referral will be taken over the phone with you.If you would like to refer a revert sister for support, please ensure you have her permission and you may then complete the referral form.


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Belfast, BT7 1NA,
Northern Ireland
United Kingdom

P: +44 (0) 2890 664465 (currently not operational)
WhatsApp: +44(0) 7380 626825

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